Screen Engine is the leader of content research in the entertainment industry powered by one of the industry’s largest audience benchmark databases.

We work with studios, networks, and creators to improve the viewing and financial performance of content using our unique mix of in-person methods and proprietary digital testing software.

Our Content Abilities

We help creators maximize the results from the content they produce by engaging real audiences at every stage of the creative process, from the pre-greenlight Capability stage to the post production Playability stage, and through the distribution Marketability & Buzzability stages.

Learn about our products

Capability Exploration

Capability exploration measures the viability of an idea and its elements pre-greenlight or in pre-production.

Playability Screenings

Playability screenings informs and identifies how emotionally engaging the content is and the level of positivity of its word-of-mouth.

Marketability Testing

Marketability testing identifies the most responsive audience(s) and the most persuasive marketing messaging to build interest and urgency.

Buzzability Measurements

Buzzability measurements identifies urgency, volatility, and positivity levels of viewer word of mouth as well as other influencers.

Syndicated & Custom Solutions

In addition to our content-based solutions, we have a broad set of other syndicated and custom solutions to better understand the evolving media marketplace.


Respondents Interviewed Annually

Top 25

U.S. Market Research Firms

Over 2K

Movies Measured to Movies Tested


Community Panels

Screen Engine Brands & Solutions

The leader in entertainment content and audience and viewer research.

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Our award-winning London-based team is known for its expertise in segmentation and brings beauty and simplicity to the most complex problems.

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Coherency is our marketing insights team that uses breakthrough research techniques to help brands solve business challenges by deciphering the emotional logic that drives consumer behavior.

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TicktBox is a world class digital marketing, ticketing, and online streaming platform. As a global leader in integrated marketing solutions, we provide powerful solutions for some of the world’s top entertainment brands within the Fortune 500.

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Serving a variety of industries, our premiere testing facility in So. Cal. includes a total of 6 flex-space focus group rooms & two 48- seat amphitheaters with client viewing areas. Each theater is equipped with our proprietary ViewTrac™ real-time dial-system, 2 adjacent breakout rooms, and has audience biometric testing capability.

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In-theater or online recruited audience screenings test all measures of playability and positive word-of-mouth intent among a representative sample of potential moviegoers.

A groundbreaking virtual screening research platform that recreates the live/in-theater experience in either a synchronous or asynchronous online environment with best-in-class security.

View More is the leading online destination for promotional movie screenings and events. Gofobo provides moviegoers exclusive access to early advance screenings, world premieres, entertainment related content, and Verified Movie Ratings.

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A unique insight community that allows our clients to get feedback quickly and interact on a continual basis with specifically recruited members using a wide variety of research tools.

Screen Play focuses exclusively on kid’s, YA, and family research. From concept to execution, Screen Play is dedicated to helping our clients create and distribute compelling content that resonates with today’s young audiences.

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We have a rich history working for and with leading content producers catering to global, multi-country, U.S. Hispanics and Latin American audiences develop the best content and strategic position in the market.

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Guiding our clients through every step of the gaming development lifecycle, we cover a broad range of platforms (e.g., PC, console, mobile) and genres. We understand the needs of gamers and dentify and contextualize the latest trends within gaming, including what’s next.

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A syndicated in-theater exit polling service and joint venture with ComScore that has become the industry standard for capturing movie-goers responses to all wide-release films.

Awareness and Intent to View tracking of film and tv titles through their entire lifecycle, creating a comprehensive understanding of both unaided and aided awareness of pre-release movies four weeks prior to their release.

A quarterly worldwide consumer study that provides insight into the complete entertainment ecosystem, including new and emerging entertainment technology.

Provides weekly viewer insights on original movie premieres on Premium Video-On-Demand, Early Electronic Sell Thru/digital purchase, or Subscription Video-On-Demand.

LoveQuotient® is the first-of-its-kind methodology to quantify and help brands deepen their emotional connection with consumers.

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Provides invaluable content feedback from Movie and TV Critics as well as Entertainment Journalists.

Our Live Audience Script Read Testing provides studios, production companies, filmmakers, and script writers with valuable content capability and playability insights to optimize a script before the camera starts rolling.

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ScreenShare™, a data partnership between Screen Engine/ASI and TheWrap, tracks the Top 10 most-mentioned entertainment options every week and comparing to the prior week. The chart lives on the Data & Analysis page of the WrapPRO Members Hub.

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An innovative new approach, where research data at scale is directly matched with behavioral data to produce more effective audience targets.

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News & Insights

Gaming in 2024′ Trends Report by mindGAME Data

The mindGAME Data “Gaming in 2024” report provides a detailed analysis of current trends in console, PC, and mobile gaming, highlighting market sta…

Evaluating The Top 50 U.S. Film Schools

In 2024, Screen Engine/ASI proudly partnered with TheWrap to introduce a more data-driven approach to evaluating the top 50 film schools in the Uni…

Reflecting on the Power of Cinema Award

As we approach the 2024 American Cinematheque Awards, we reflect on the honor of receiving last year’s Power of Cinema Award, recognizing Kevin G…

Tapestry, a Screen Engine/ASI company Wins 2024 Marketing Research Supplier of the Year

We are proud to announce that Tapestry, our London office, has been honored as the 2024 Marketing Research Supplier of the Year at the Quirks Marke…

Staff Spotlight: Terri Cavanaugh, VP of Qualitative Insights at Screen Engine/ASI

Meet Terri Cavanaugh, Screen Engine/ASI’s incredible Vice President of Qualitative Insights, who moderates focus groups for film and television. …

Tapestry, a Screen Engine/ASI company discusses Segmentation

In our recent article, Daniel Webb from our UK Tapestry office explores why segmentation refreshes are essential to keeping brands connected with t…

Tapestry, a Screen Engine/ASI company has promoted three of its senior managers to directors.

Big congratulations to our London Tapestry team! We’re excited to announce that Silvia Siladi (pictured right), Elle Kindler (pictured left), and…

Screen Engine/ASI Joins Warner Bros. Discovery at ARF/OTT Event

Screen Engine/ASI’s Holly Leff-Pressman, Chief Client Engagement Officer, and Christina Parish, EVP, TV & CPG Group, joined Natasha Hritzuk from …

Tapestry Research, a Screen Engine/ASI company Celebrated for Award Nominations

Tapestry Research, a Screen Engine/ASI company was shortlisted for three Quirk’s Marketing Research and Insight Excellence Awards and a MediaWeek…